
Asad Short Story Part 1

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She leaned her back against the cold stone wall. The jacket could barely repel the chill that ran down her spine, the material thin and cheap; barely acceptable for the winter weather that was currently holding the city. Asad drew her hood up absently, the fabric masking parts of her forehead with a short crossing shadow.  The young teenager of fifteen was busy waiting for someone, wanting to make a deal. She absently flicked a lighter at her side, fingers snapping it in a rhythm.

She lit a cigarette, the girl inhaling bits of the smoke through her mouth as she held the round up thing between her teeth. Her lungs burned but did she care? No, not at all. Dark eyes stared into the highway as cars raced by, colorful lights blinking rapidly in the darkness like wild pairs of cat eyes.

That was when he finally appeared. Asad easily found him in the mass of dark. With a simple turn of the head, she spotted him amass the trash cans in the alley way, moving quickly and carefully along.

She furrowed her brow, her fingers lifting to the bud in her mouth, pulling it away to tap away ash. It fell to the concrete floor like snow, piling gently. After inhaling another, Asad finally did away with it. Threw it to the floor and smashed it with her boot clothed foot. She smeared it roughly before she followed the retreating shape. He climbed along cans, thinking himself oh so clever.

However, once he’d gotten ready to climb up a chain-link fence, Asad was on him in a heartbeat. Quickly she seized his shoulder, the young woman pulling him back roughly. He’d grunted, taken aback by her appearance. Though, he couldn’t struggle for long as Asad slammed him against a stone-lined wall of a concrete building. She leaned up, face close to his as she pinned him back. Asad had fist-full amounts of his mangy shirt.

His blue eyes were wide. “Adds! I mean… Yo Asad… What are you… I mean…”

Asad clenched her teeth. “Don’t give me any of that lip, Hammers. Where is he? You betta not lie to me or else I swear to freaking God…”

Hammers lifted his hands in surrender. “Hey, hey! Relax there, lady! Why would I ever lie to such a beautiful vixen such as yourself? After all…”

Asad narrowed her eyes, glaring daggers at the boy who was in her grasp. He swallowed thickly. “Okay, okay… Bullshit’s over. I swear, I swear! Just… can you let me down?”

The young woman growled, however relented. “Run and I’ll slam your ass into the highway, Ham. Don’t think I won’t.”

Hammers adjusted his shirt almost casually, appearing relaxed as he looked her way. “Trust me baby. I’m not some idiot like Poker.” He gave her a smile and Asad crossed her arms, arching a brow questionably. “Okay, okay… So… you wanna know where Ralphie is now do ya?”

Asad nodded her head. “The son of a bitch owes me. He ripped me off of my money.”

“You mean your Grams’ money?” Hammers inquired.

Asad offered him a glare, lips pulled down at the corners into a frown. Hammers lifted his hands feebly at his companion. “Hey, hey. I know, I know. Not my business! My mouth is sealed. See babe?” He made a zipping motion with his hands across his mouth.

She resisted a groan of annoyance. “You’re gonna need to talk to tell me where Ralphie is, Ham. So spill.”

Hammers, as usual, tried to push her buttons. Asad glared. “Hammers…”

“Maybe for a kiss I’ll… Ow!” Hammers rubbed the side of his face where Asad had smacked him. “Oh alright. Try to kill a man’s fun eh, Adds? Feisty as usual… Well, story is, Ralphie’s making some deals by the train station. Ya know, the alley ways near the back of it. I’d suggest getting there ASAP if you wanna get even with him.” Asad opened her mouth to speak, Hammers cut her off. “But ya didn’t hear this from me. Nope. Hammers knows nuthin’! Nada, zip! Zero! Eep! Well, I best be off. Catch ya later, doll face.” He offered her a salute before the young man suddenly shot off. Asad grunted.

“Shoulda known he was gonna do that…”
Asad's off in a search for Ralphie, a dealer who'd ripped her off of some money and she wants what she was promised. Part 1 :l

Hammers was fun to write for.

Btw, mild drug and violence references will get worse as the story progresses.

Asad, Hammers, story (c) :iconwolf-chalk:
© 2012 - 2024 Wolf-Chalk
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